Introducing your new baby to the beloved family pooch. How do we get it right?

Bringing home a bundle of joy is the one of the most exciting times in a parent’s life, but it’s vital to consider your dogs’ needs during this time. Jasmin Mason, CEO of Hordle-based Paragon Dogs, provider of reward-based training and behavioural services for dogs, offers top tips on preparing pets for their new sibling.

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Ahh…The busy nine months before you bring home your little bundle of joy… Getting the nursery set up, choosing a name, reading a billion and one books on parenting… but what about your dog? Introducing a new family member is a massive change both for you and your pooch which is why it’s important to help your dog adjust in time for the new addition!

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When you’re busy with a baby, long walks in the woodland quickly become 15 minute marches round the park- if that! And that’s fine… that’s life! What’s important is that we take the time to turn our athletic dog into one that’s happy with a short stroll around the block (for a while anyway!)  Incrementally decreasing the length and intensity of your dog’s walks in the run up to your baby’s arrival can really help them to adapt to their new routine. Instead of restlessness and hyperactivity, your dog will choose a snooze on the sofa which will give you a little extra time to commit to your little un’.

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For our more ‘busy’ dogs, or on days where a walk just isn’t possible, it’s a great idea to get creative with meal times to give your dog a little problem solving activity. Boredom buster/puzzle toys into which you insert or hide food such as kongs, lickimats, and treat dispensing balls will keep your dog’s mind active whilst you handle nappy changing, nap time and feeding! By getting your dog used to these in advance, you can help prevent frustration setting in so you can savour that moment of peace.

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Along with newborns comes crying, screaming, and happy giggles. For some dogs, first hearing these sounds can be incredibly frightening. Playing these noises off YouTube at a low level whilst they enjoy some tasty treats and increasing the volume over time can help prepare your dog for what life is like with a baby in the house and turn it into a positive thing. Additionally, creating a ‘doggy Disneyland’- a safe place to which your dog can retreat when the hustle and bustle of family life gets a bit too much is really important and will prevent your dog from getting overwhelmed. A crate, den, or separate room away from the madness that’s kitted out with a comfy bed, their toys and some chews can ensure they have the wind-down that they need.

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Once your dog has got their safe place set up, we need to think about the rest of the house! Having a series of baby gates put up can create the perfect gated community so you can easily manage your dog and little one. Topping up your treat jars, and stocking up with plenty of long lasting chews means you can easily keep your dog occupied when you need a spare second. Antlers, buffalo horns, Yak chews and bulls pizzles are a firm favourite in our household!


Finally… The best day of your life is here! Take things slow, and allow your dog to get to know the baby at their own pace. Giving your dog a baby blanket to sniff can help them to gather information in one the best ways they know how - through their nose! Keep them busy with a kong and other puzzle toys so they can get used to their new family member simply being in the house with them. For most dogs it’s beneficial to give them a few days to settle before allowing your dog to check out the baby ‘up close and personal’. Take your time and savour these blissful moments between dog and baby: soon, the real work begins!

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About Jasmin and Paragon Dogs

Paragon Dogs is a highly-successful Hordle-based company specialising in reward-based training and behavioural services for dogs of all breeds and ages.