Why advertise with Country Child?

Country Child has grown from a small local regional title to now servicing a national online following. Our content is designed to offer families all the parenting information they need at their fingertips.

Since the ‘Covid Era’, rural settings have seen an influx of parents moving out of towns and cities with the desire to bring up children in the country.

Online parenting blogs on the great outdoors, recipes, business insight, homes, best buys and competitions are all here PLUS a focus on open air events and countryside activities feature heavily.

With a successful track record we step further into the digital arena offering more support with more editorial, brand and promotional opportunities. Please get in touch to find out more and why not join us on our social media channels too.

Country Child differs from other blog platforms because we are highly editorially based and full of beautiful prestigious photography from well renowned artists.

Media Pack

Looking after the advertising is Matthew Cull Media Services and can be contacted on: matthewcullmedia@gmail.com

We are always developing our online presence so www.countrychild.co.uk acts as a constant all round information resource, so we are happy to collaborate with you.

If you are interested in a company or product placement on the website then please contact jo@countrychild.co.uk.

We look forward to working together with you.